Girls’ Trip to Savannah

I recently spent the weekend in beautiful Savannah, Georgia, with a group of friends I lovingly call my “Day Ones.” I’ve known some of these amazing women as far back as middle school – in other words, they knew me before I knew myself. Traveling with your closest friends can contribute to a healthier, happier lifestyle.

How Travel Enhances Wellness

Other than spending time with my best friends, one of my favorite things about traveling is the opportunity to break free from the stresses of everyday life. Stepping out of your typical routine and immersing yourself in new surroundings can take your mind off your daily worries. Traveling allows us to slow down, unwind and focus on self-care, promoting relaxation, stress reduction and overall mental well-being.

Another wellness aspect of travel is the chance to nourish our bodies with healthy and nutritious cuisine. Trying fresh, local restaurants can take you on a delightful culinary journey that satisfies your taste buds, provides essential nutrients and promotes digestive health.

Two of the best restaurants our group tried in Savannah were Common Restaurant and Sorry Charlie’s Oyster Bar & Cocktails. At Common Restaurant, I enjoyed a delicious dinner of shrimp and grits topped with a divine langostino “chorizo.” At Sorry Charlie’s, I had a savory gluten-free Scottish salmon dish.

The Health Benefits of Friendship

Even if you aren’t lucky enough to have Day Ones, it’s never too late to forge meaningful friendships in adulthood. As you grow older, your social circles may shrink, and the demands of daily life can make it increasingly challenging to meet new people. However, nurturing existing friendships and cultivating new ones allows us to create meaningful connections that enrich our lives. Relationships start with you – trust and honor yourself when building new friendships that can help you grow and heal.

Humans are hardwired for connection and intimacy. Research has linked strong social connections with lower levels of stress, anxiety and depression. Friends provide a safe space where you can be vulnerable without fear of judgment (vulnerability is a superpower in long-term relationships). Their camaraderie, comfort and understanding provide a lifeline that can anchor you throughout every stage of your life.

Nurturing a long-term friendship isn’t easy. It requires intentionally seeking people who share your interests and values, which can take time, but the return on that kind of investment can significantly improve the quality of your life. For instance, when I moved from Miami to Nashville, I had to start over by making new friends. I prayed for what I needed, and I eventually manifested it into my life. The thoughts you send out can be so powerful when aligned with love.

Why Lifelong Friendships Are Essential for Adults

Friendship is a priceless gift that becomes even more essential in adulthood. It brings emotional support, a sense of belonging and improved well-being. Friends witness your journey, celebrating your achievements and offering support when needed. They become memory keepers, reminding us of who you are and the values you hold dear. Throughout times of triumph and adversity, true friends will stand by you, serving as a constant source of love and encouragement.

Savannah Girls Trip Highlights

Check out this recap video on my Instagram to get a better look into all the fun we had together.

If you are looking for a fun activity to enjoy, try out the historic bike tour by Savannah On Wheels. Our tour guide, Austin Rojas, was extremely entertaining. We give him five stars for keeping our group of 10 engaged. Check out @Savannahonwheels for your next level experience.

My overall favorite part of the trip was the spa experience at the Heavenly Spa by Westin. My massage therapist, Khalimah, was beyond outstanding. Her energy + soothing spirit created a calm space for me to truly relax. If you’re traveling with a large group, I highly recommend this spa located in the Savannah Harbor!

All in all, my first trip to Savannah was a joy, but mainly because of the company of my Day Ones!

Where should we go next???

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