In-Home Facial Spa Night

Please note that the content of this blog post was created when Beautycounter was actively operating and offering their range of clean beauty products. As of May 2024, Beautycounter has announced a hiatus and their future operations are currently uncertain. Consequently, the links to Beautycounter products mentioned in this post may no longer be active or lead to available products. I will continue to research and promote clean beauty products, regardless of the future of Beautycounter. Please keep checking my blog and social media for updates on Beautycounter and new clean beauty suggestions for you and your family.

Most of us know about the importance of self-care, but that doesn’t mean we always make time for it. Luckily, treating yourself is something you can easily do in the comfort of your home. 

An in-home facial spa night is one of my favorite ways to pamper myself and spend quality time with my daughter Crislyn. Here are my top tips for having an unforgettable spa night without leaving your house. 

1. Set the Mood

Ambiance is critical for creating a perfect spa-like experience. Start by playing a soothing playlist that resonates with you and puts you in the right mindset for self-care. My kids and I love listening to Beautiful Chorus, an all-female, affirmation-inspired group that blends sacred traditions with New Age sounds.

Additionally, dimming the electric lights and lighting a selection of your favorite clean candles can add a touch of tranquility to the space. By paying attention to these details, you can elevate your spa night and create a peaceful environment that promotes relaxation. 

2. Prep for the Facial

I start every at-home facial with a double cleanse, which involves using an oil-based cleanser followed by a foaming cleanser. 

  • Countertime Lipid Defense Cleansing Oil breaks down makeup and removes impurities. Once you add water, it turns into a milky consistency. The scent is like going on a serene, lush tropical vacation. 
  • After cleaning with oil, use Countercontrol Clear Pore Cleanser to remove dirt, makeup and other impurities. The formula helps purify pores and soothe skin, with jojoba beads to exfoliate dead skin cells and leave your complexion feeling balanced.

3. Use a Quality Mask

For my at-home facial, I love Beautycounter’s Counter+ Charcoal Facial Mask to exfoliate, balance my complexion and minimize the appearance of my pores. It’s safe for children, making it ideal for spa time with little ones.

Apply the charcoal mask and leave it on for 10 minutes.

During this time, you can take the relaxation further by meditating and focusing on your breathing, or sitting back and enjoying your spa night playlist.

4. Follow Up with Moisture

Once you’ve removed the charcoal mask, add the finishing touches with Countermatch Intense Moisture Serum and a couple of drops of All Bright Brightening Facial Oil.

The serum contains hyaluronic acid, which is like giving your skin a tall glass of water. Meanwhile, the brightening oil sets the stage for sleep and restoration.

5. Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Quality, restful sleep is a crucial aspect of any beauty routine. Sleep is an all-natural way to combat signs of aging, including wrinkles and sagging. While you are sleeping, your skin produces new collagen, a crucial protein for maintaining its elasticity and firmness. Insufficient sleep can lead to dehydrated skin, which accentuates fine lines, particularly in the delicate undereye area. You can maintain a youthful and rejuvenated appearance by consistently getting seven to nine hours of restful sleep per night.

Your at-home spa night should put you in an ideal state of mind to fall asleep quickly, but you can go a step further by drinking a warm cup of chamomile tea and doing some before-bed yoga poses to release tension from your mind and body.

Self-Care Essentials: Treat Yourself

After a long, stressful week of work, school or whatever else has been filling your to-do list, you deserve to make time to spoil yourself a little. What are your favorite ways to decompress during an at-home spa night? Let me know in the comments!

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